

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

08/29/16 Group Email

Hey fam!
This week was good! I found out I'm getting transferred.. which is always hard! I feel like I just got back down here in the Rama! These past three months FLEW by. Seriously, the fastest three months of my life.  I was glad I found out early though, I was able to say good bye to all the members and they even let me speak in church. I have learned so much as I've been down here with Hermana Amaller. We worked sooo hard and saw so many miracles. I can honestly say I have never been happier! The harder you work, the happier you are.  Gloria got baptized on Saturday! She is such a sweetheart. She's the Elders investigators. She was glowing all night and all of Sunday.  It was an amazing baptism.  I was able to play a musical number, it turned out really well.  A HUGE miracle.... so we have been working with Sandra. She had sooo many trials that she told our Relief Society President that she was going to give up going to church, until she got everything figured out. (Not really the smartest idea, but there's not much you can say..) So we came up with that conclusion. WELL during sacrament, we turn around and she walks in with her kids!!!! Our mouths dropped! We were so excited to see her! We ended up talking to President Jaco in his office about her and asked if he could give her a blessing. So he did and was able to give her an interview.  After Relief Society ended, she came up to us and said "I've decided I want to get baptized. My daughter will turn eight on September 20th, so we can do it then" OH MY GOSH WE FREAKED OUT! IT was the biggest miracle everrrrr seriously, we have been working with her ALL SUMMER LONG and that was the miracle we had been waiting for! We know that it was because of the blessing! But yeah, we are so pumped about that! So stay tuned, I will send pics when her baptism comes along! But yeah, it was awesome and Hermana Amaller and I were so excited.  
Everything is going so good! I love this work. We went hiking this morning and I love Canada more and more everyday. It's beautiful and it's always an adventure. I'm excited for this next transfer, Hermana Ratliff is awesome and I'm excited to go back to my last area and work with those members up there. I know that God lives! He loves us! 
Have a good week!

Hermana Dean

08/29/16 Pictures

exchanges with Sister Halliday  
We did service for this man who lives clear up at the top of this hill/mountain. We helped paint his house. The view was beautiful!

 Mama Lola
Gloria got baptized! She's the elders investigator that we've been helping fellowship  
After Gloria got baptized, she started sobbing.. it was such a powerful moment!
Two girls from our English class, they are going back to Slyvokia (i don't know how to spell that) 

A lot of good bye pictures :( They even announced in sacrament that I was getting trasnferred and had me come up and bear my testimony.
too many people to name, but I love them all so much and I'm sad to leave


We drove out to the mountains this morning and just found a mountain peak and parked and hiked it! It ended up leading into a trail called Praire Mountain. It was beautiful!