

Monday, March 28, 2016

03/28/16 Group Email

Happy Easter! Easter was wonderful.  We had a really amazing sacrament meeting and the spirit was so strong.  We also had a potential investigator come and stay for all three hours... yay! Hopefully things will work out super well with her.  

So a cool little fruits of our labors that we saw... A couple weeks ago, we were walking around and found this kid named Humberto. We found him because he was blasting spanish music and his front door was open.  WELL, fast forward a couple weeks, and because we knocked on his door, he decided to get in touch with the YSA and now wants to be baptized.  So cool! As a missionary, you talk to so many people and you don't always know why or what comes from your conversations, but it was really cool to hear that Humberto took it as a sign, and is now getting baptized in a week! 

So kind of a gross story... last pday, we were playing volleyball.  This big ol Samoan served it, and I put my right hand up and caught the serve on my wrist.  It didn't hurt too bad, but I looked down and my ENTIRE vein was popping out of my arm a good inch or so... it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen.  I honestly looked like a monster! haha It was so gross! And I kind of went into panic because I didn't know what to do and I started freaking out.  Well, Elder Misiluki came over and after a bit of arguing, I let him take my wrist, and with the volleyball, he SQUISHED my popped vein back into my body. It was so nasty.  OH so gross! And I've had a killer bruise this entire past week and all my veins got smashed so I can't see anything. My wrist is just all yellow, blue, purplish.  But they said to just let it be and they'll eventaully grow back... haha, well okay! Hopefully they come back eventaully, because probably not too good to be missing the portal of blood flow down into your fingers! But oh well, I'm living so the work will go on 

Super cool lesson we had on Saturday. We felt like we should stop by this less active Adriana.  We went in and shared the Easter video with her and she was blown away.. she said that today (saturday) her Mom would have turned 74.  She said she had been thinking a lot about her and how she missed her and she was thinking about the next life and things like that.  And she looked right at us and said "and out of all the days, you knocked my door today." Ah it was so cool! I felt the spirit so strongly! The Lord guides us to who we need to visit, on which days. 

On Friday, we had a pretty sad lesson.  One of our dear Less Actives that we have been visitng for forever, was in the hospital due to some pretty sad things that were going on in her life.  We left and just felt down.. her trial was literally weighing on our shoulders.  We headed over to our dinner and ate with the Family Hinojosa from Peru.  It was our first time eating with them, and when they opened the door, all of them were standing right there and they hugged us and shook our hands and welcomed us into their home.. that does not happen! Usually someone will just open the door, we'll head on it and the family will be hanging out.  But with this family, we walked in and we instantly felt like gold! We were talking to this sweet old couple (he reminds me of grandpa Robert... just so cute and little:) and I just looked at them while they were telling us the story of how they met, and tears just came to my eyes.  I realized that even though Missionary work is sooo hard sometimes, with everyone's trials and all the things going on in people's lives that they talk to us about, there are so many good families.   There are sweet families like the Hinojosa's who are so loving and because they found the missionaries, they are so happy.  It was a really good tender mercy that both Hermana Allphin and I needed :) 

This week I finished reading the Book of Mormon with our mission (in English), the Book of Mormon (in Spanish), and the four gospels (In Spanish).  I don't know how it all ended up being finished in the same week, but it was very cool! The scriptures are the best and I learned so much from everything that I read. They truly are the word of God.

Well we have a couple potencials we are meeting this week, so hopefully everything goes well and we pick up some solid investigators! Love you all! Happy Spring!

Amor, Hermana Dean    

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