

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

11/30/15 Group Email

Hola! This week was really good - like every week out here in the mission.  There were a lot of miracles that we saw.

- On Saturday our ward had a big activity called Night of culture.. and it was so much fun! I love Latinos so much.  They had all the different countries set up: Domincian Republic, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico and had all these cute decorations and their main food from there. It was so fun! There were probably 300 people there, our entire ward plus all their friends! After everyone ate, they put on a big show of all the different country dances. SO GOOD, I loved it! This party was definitely the highlight of my week! 
- Every month we get a certain alloment of the amount of Kilometers we can drive... it's the end of the month so we've been having to be super careful with how far we drive. We had 53 Kilometers we could go or else we would go over our limit... we went 52.9 - God is real and so are His miracles 
- A couple weeks back, we decided to visit this lady that lives on Montogomery Drive. She's less active and we've been visitng her for the past couple weeks.. she came to church yesterday!!! She is the cutest lady ever! She was sooo happy and absolutely loved it.  She told us it was because when we knocked on her door, she felt like someone had finally remembered her.  There are no coincidences.. the Lord knew that we needed to visit her, and he directed us to her home.  Reactivation is my FAVORITE. 
- On Saturday we dedicded we were going to knock on the door of a potential.  We walked all the way over there and knocked on her door... Ana Sota definitely didn't answer, but a younger guy did.  He's from El Salvador and has only been here a month.  We bore our testimonies and left him a pamphlet.  WELL Sunday morning we were doing our studies and he texted us and said he was interested in our church and was wondering if we could meet! MIRACLE. So we invited him to church... and he came!! He stayed for the first two hours.  I embarrassed myself because I passed him some candy.. He took it and that was that.  A couple minutes later he asked what we do after Sacrament.  So I explained the whole shpeel of what we do for all of church.  He just said "okay okay" and nodded his head.  Maybe 5 minutes later, he leaned over and said "I was talking about the candy.  What am I suppose to do with it?" hahah I was so embarrassed! I just said "oh i don't know, I was just offering it.." hahah i was so embarrassed. and it was even worse because it was so quiet - so naturally I needed to laugh even more.  worse though was when we was about to leave .... He first shook Hermana Ratliff's hand.  I then went to shake his hand, he shook it but then went in for a kiss... um what?! Hermana Ratliff's face was priceless - her jaw dropped! He kissed my cheek and we turned and went opposite directions.  It was the weirdest thing ever!! I swear I'm not an awkward sister missionary, but that moment, I was SO awkward! .  So we'll see where that leads - we may have to pass him off to the elders haha... 

Overall this week was really really good! We had TONS of lessons and we have been working so hard.  There are so many Spanish speaking people up here that are need of the gospel.  I'm so lucky to be serving in this area and to be teaching in Spanish.  I absolutely love my time here and being a servant of the Lord.  

Abrazos y besos - 
Hermana Dean 

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